9 Common Mistakes Mums Struggle With When Returning To Exercise After Having A Baby

Photography: Belinda Coles Photography

Not listening to our body when something doesn’t feel right

During pregnancy, labour and birth – we stop listening to our bodies. We push through feeling sick, tired, exhausted and in pain – and we just keep going.

When we don’t listen to our bodies while exercising, we might get pain or discomfort, or it might just feel wrong. Injury can happen suddenly and immediately, or slowly and over time. Exercise should be enjoyable and fun, and there is always a way to adapt things – so please start listening to your body again!

Doing too much, too soon

I see a lot of mums who jump straight back into exercise, going hardcore, because this is what they did before they fell pregnant. We expect our bodies to be able to do the same as they did before.

When you are still in the “red zone” you have to look at exercise in a different way – you have to hold back and build up again slowly and safely. Remember we need to build solid foundations, to then get as fit and strong as you would like.

Photography: Belinda Coles Photography

Choose exercise over sleep

If you are exhausted, if you are sick, if your hormones are crazy, if your body is recovering, if your child is sick, teething or not sleeping – then sleep.

If you don’t feel ready to exercise because you are exhausted and need to rest – then rest.

At this stage, sleep will heal you and help you to recover, and it will energize you more than exercise.

Thinking what you have now is the new “normal”

Whatever state your body is in right now, whatever way it has been left after pregnancy and birth – this is not your forever.

If you are experiencing any issues or symptoms like heaviness, pulling or dragging, or a prolapse then remember you do not have to live with this. There are specialised women’s health physios who know how to help us. Only 20% of prolapses need surgery – that means 80% are helped through doing correct exercises!

If any of this sounds like you, then please join me in the KC Fit Post Natal Care Facebook group – it’s a completely private and safe space to talk about what’s going on for you and seek help and support.

Kirstyn Campbell is a mum of two, a personal trainer and mums fitness specialist who focuses on post-natal rehabilitation – in particular the parts that no one talks about, including pelvic floor health and abdominal separation. Seven years after she gave birth to her daughter, Kirstyn completely split her tummy through exercising incorrectly. Through intensive physiotherapy and correct exercise, she was able to repair and strengthen her tummy split and weakened pelvic floor. Kirstyn’s personal experience led her to focus on educating women about how to train safely in order to repair, heal and build strong core foundations.

Through her FREE private Facebook group – KC Fit’s Post Natal Care – she offers education, safe exercise options, and advice to mums who may be facing similar pelvic floor or abdominal issues.

Photograpy: Belinda Coles Photography

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