Give Me Strength

By Fiona Chapman

You need a lot of it to be a parent that’s for sure. There are days particularly when more than normal is needed. Today was one of them.

It’s so difficult to see your kids sick. It’s also difficult looking after yourself when your kids are sick. Even worse when you are sick yourself! The sheer willpower, determination and strength you need to get through that day would be comparative to jumping off a high-rise building. And today…landing flat on my face. Yep it was not a good day.

As l lay here and breastfeed my sick toddler for the 64th time today, I feel relieved that we all made it through the day in one piece. A tired four-year-old home from pre-school thrown in the mix, and there you have a recipe for a volcanic eruption.

While trying to have some store-bought lasagna heated up in the oven with some frozen veggies, you have a sick toddler crying and trying to sit on your knee. The four-year-old next to you decides he thinks veggies are “yucky” tonight and proceeds to tip his food on the table.

What do you do?

The best you bloody can I say. As much as you want to swear, walk away and maybe cry, you try and empathise with them and show them that you care and all will be OK. This takes lots of energy. No wonder there is lots of mummy burnout.

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