Issue 55

If there is one thing we can all agree that parents need more than anything, it’s support. Our latest beautiful issue is here to support you too, with inspiration, advice, tips and real-life experiences to guide you on your journey through pregnancy, birth and motherhood. In Lucy Ruddle’s article ‘Fed isn’t best, but breast isn’t either’, she delves into the challenges surrounding statements of something being “best” in the world of infant feeding. She talks about how when we segregate parents based on feeding method, “we create an environment of ‘us vs them’ instead of one of understanding and support for everyone”, and that when we divide parents into camps, “no one is working on making governments work harder to help more people reach whatever feeding goal they have in mind”. Kato Matthews explores how babywearing can help parents to get more rest and restore energy levels. She talks about the different types of rest, like physical, mental, sensory and creative, and how babywearing offers a reprieve for both carer and baby: “Babies who are carried cry less, meaning less noise for carers to filter and less worry about the cause of the crying”. Genevieve Simperingham looks at what trauma is, some of the symptoms, how it impacts a child, and approaches to support your child’s healing and recovery. She talks about Dr Aletha Solter’s three essential ingredients for a child to heal, and explains that for children to experience emotional safety, “parents need to adopt peaceful parenting approaches, as even the threat of punishments activate the child’s stress response”. We also have some more delicious recipes for you to try at home with your children. Wishing you health and happiness on your parenting journey. Love from the TNP Team xxx

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