Issue 25
Yes the longer days are lovely but it does have some connotations which every parent will understand. When the sun’s up so are the kids and boy that can be tiring for poor mum and dad after a hard day at work or a long day looking after the littles! Thankfully we have some brilliant tips from our lovely nutritionist Annaliese Jones to keep us feeling in top form with some great tips for a New Year healthy body reset! We have so many great articles this issue and one that I absolutely love is our opening piece by Amanda Sharma. Be prepared to change up your ideas around education and help your kids become real “world changers”. Speaking of world changers – what a year we’ve had. globally that is. While I don’t have the space to get into the political changes on the world stage, our opening piece is poignant, in the face of some of the huge political shifts that will affect the future of all of our children. “Change is hard. It doesn’t happen in a day. But it can easily happen in a generation.” We hope you enjoy the summer issue and have an absolutely wonderful Christmas and New Year.
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