Issue 34

Parenting is one of those things in life that just doesn’t always go to plan. When we decide to start a family, we have no idea of the many and varied challenges that are going to pop up along the way. We have lovely daydreams about how our pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding are going to go – usually based on the success stories we have seen and read about our whole lives. Often, life has other plans. Whether it’s struggling to conceive that child we’ve always wanted; finding ourselves unexpectedly in the throes of a traumatic birth; struggling to come to terms with the fact that breastfeeding didn’t work out – these things can come as a bit of a shock. So, it is vitally important that we have these conversations, that we air these topics, because life is a great mystery and we cannot see ahead of time what may be in store for us and our children. Nestled in these pages you will find expert advice and hear stories from those who have been there before. Wishing you well on this wild journey, The TNP Team xxx

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