Issue 35

There is one thing we can all agree that mums need, more than anything: support. Winter is about resting and resourcing – yet it can also be a time of low energy, ill health and winter blues. Luckily, we’ve got some experts on hand to advise us on how to navigate parenting challenges through the darker months. Grannies are a great source of support for mums – especially when it comes to breastfeeding. Emma Pickett shares how important this support role is, yet it can often require some open-mindedness and healing work on Granny’s part. The right balance of acknowledgement and encouragement can make all the difference to a newly breastfeeding mum. Self-doubt is something that plagues all new mums, but in these technological times, the carefully curated images of the “perfect” mother we see at every turn is particularly harmful. Pinky McKay explores recent research that found almost two thirds of NZ and AUS parents felt like they were failing during their first year of parenthood. Find out how we can tackle this issue and support mums to gain that much-needed confidence. Wishing you all a cosy, warm, enjoyable Winter season. The TNP Team xxx

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