By Anne Cullen
In August I got one of the most amazing offers I’d ever received. Five years into running a private practice as a lactation consultant and parent coach, the publisher of The Natural Parent Magazine asked me to be their Spokesperson and Parenting Advisor. I was absolutely blown away and knew instantly that I’d do it, not really having much of an idea what I was getting myself into!
So that is how the Follow Your Heart series was born and to say it has been my pleasure to be part of this magazine would be an understatement!
Knowing that I can be a voice for babies and young children on such a wide scale by giving parents good information, and giving you, as parents, permission to listen to your instincts, is such a huge honour!
I’ve decided to take the support I can provide one step further! Today is the opening of my new subscription membership community, Foundations. It is there you will find the information you need to raise your children in the first three years of their precious lives. This is an incredibly important time for them! It literally lays the stepping stones to their future selves, and it is in relationship with YOU, armed with the most current evidence and information, that they will grow into the kind of human beings our planet needs to thrive.
The more you can understand about them, and know what to expect, the better they feel.
Connecting to your child begins with learning about what they need and then following their lead every step of the way.
As a Foundations member, you’ll have access to solid information on breastfeeding, sleep, gentle discipline, child development, and more – all nicely categorised making it easy to find what you need, when you need it. I’ve even made sure the videos I include are subtitled so you can watch with sound off as baby sleeps.