The drive: What challenges have you overcome?
We are still a young business, so challenges constantly pop up as we go. I enjoy problem solving, so I try to take these moments as an opportunity to learn or grow. Of course that’s easier said than done sometimes! We had no grants or funding to help us set up, so the largest challenge has been to grow as people have supported us, only being able to buy more stock as we become more known to our customers. I have found my rhythm now though and am really enjoying watching the business grow from that initial idea.
For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?
Freedom of time is a massive benefit. I can pack a flurry of orders at 6am, have a cup of coffee and then be ready to start the day when my son wakes up. We are not bound to timescales or certain days of work. I choose my own hours and the amount of input in the business each day, but this also means that if the orders slow down or I don’t keep momentum with marketing and social media then the business can go very quiet. Some weeks you feel like you are flying, others can become stressful if the orders dry up. It can be a fine line between too much and not enough!
I try to attend physical events and markets with our resources too, which is a really great way to engage and connect with new customers. In a world of online shopping I think people really enjoy the tactile nature of shopping in person. Running a small business can feel very lonely at times, but these kinds of events remind you of your passion and why you feel driven to do what you do.
Hopes and dreams: What next?
I have so many ideas that I have to keep a physical list so I can organise my thoughts! I hope we can continue to grow so that more families can learn about what we have to offer.
We want families to be creative and adventurous wherever their wild space is. A garden, a park, a local forest or field, the seaside or the mountains – there are so many fun opportunities to find ways to connect as a family in the great outdoors, and enjoy the world that is right on your doorstep.
Visit The Wild Spark website to find out more, and connect with them on Facebook and Instagram.