Dealing with typical digestive problems
The first step is to identify the root cause of any stomach issues. The next step is to address the triggers causing inflammation and contributing to symptoms.
As a practitioner, my goal is to first identify what’s causing digestive symptoms. These causes may include:
- Bacterial or fungal overgrowth or infection (gut dysbiosis or SIBO).
- Intestinal parasites.
- Leaky gut (intestinal permeability).
- Insufficient stomach acid or pancreatic enzymes.
- Food intolerances.
- Chronic stress.
- Poor diet (processed, high sugar).
- Certain medications.
These causes can be identified via a complete microbiome stool test and/or food intolerance test, or simply through discussion of your symptoms and health history.
The first step is to identify the root cause of any stomach issues. The next step is to address the triggers causing inflammation and contributing to symptoms.
Our Healthy Gut Reset program and Gut Health Consultations
- Rebalance and soothe the gut with an easy to digest and anti-inflammatory diet, and herbal supplements. Certain foods that support specific goals such as leaky gut repair, cholesterol or hormone balance, improved metabolism or insulin sensitivity may also be recommended.
- Repair the gut lining and digestive function with nutritional and plant-based supplementation such as zinc, slippery elm, digestive enzymes, saccharomyces boullardi or glutamine, along with holistic lifestyle practices. These are tailored to the client depending on symptoms and sensitivities.
- Restore your gut bacteria with a balance of pre and probiotics tailored for you. Specific strains of bacteria can be helpful for certain symptoms such as eczema, low mood, bloating or reflux, for example. Certain foods also help to repopulate the gut by feeding beneficial bacteria.
Once the gut is restored, people often find they can once again start to tolerate the foods they love – all in balance of course!
Sofia Potente, Health Educator and founder of The Natural Switch teaches women how to improve their family’s gut health, and create With over 16 years experience in health education and research, Sofia is a Gut Health Coach, Certified Integrative Health Practitioner and Essential Oil Specialist. Sofia holds postgraduate qualifications in public health (MPH). As a finalist in the Local Business Awards, Sofia’s work has been published in peer reviewed health journals, The Natural Parent Magazine and Thrive Global. Gut health is her life passion! After struggling with her own son’s severe reflux and digestive problems, Sofia healed and transformed both her son’s and her own gut using a combination of diet, natural remedies and removing household chemicals. She now teaches this same holistic approach that brings together mindset, food and home in her Healthy Gut Reset program and 1:1 Gut Health Practitioner services.