Take Care of Your Body, the Earth, and One Another: Crimson Organic Cotton Tampon

In the last 12 months there have been three landmark USA court decisions finding glyphosate (Roundup) to be cancer causing and over USA$2 billion of damages has been awarded against pesticide giant Monsanto. This prompted an Auckland city councillor to call on the Council to stop using Roundup in public places, and Christchurch City Council have already reduced their use of Roundup. Monsanto insist their product is still safe, but do you want to take their word for it?

If you believe that glyphosate should not be contained in tampons, consider signing the petition at https://actions.sumofus.org/a/what-is-monsanto-s-carcinogenic-herbicide-doing-in-tampons 

At Crimson, like Dr Tierno, they believe corners should not be cut when it comes to women’s wellbeing. Synthetics and conventional cotton may be cheaper to produce but they value your health more. 


A woman uses an average of over 11,000 disposable menstrual products in her reproductive lifetime. That’s enough plastic to fill the average sized car. It ends up in landfill or, even worse, in seas and rivers causing harm to marine life. Some of this plastic can take up to a lifetime to biodegrade. Crimson Organic Tampons contain NO PLASTIC. They are compostable and biodegrade in 3-5 years.

The pesticides and insecticides contaminate the waterways and the soil. This can destroy ecosystems and puts both the animals and our health at risk. By using only 100% organic cotton like they do at Crimson, you eliminate this risk of harm to our planet and speed up the rate of biodegradability. Additionally, by supporting organic farming you do not expose cotton workers to the risk of potentially lethal pesticide poisoning.

Don’t risk your health any longer. By opting for Crimson Organic Tampons, you are choosing a product that is made from certified 100% organic cotton, giving you the lowest risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome, which contains no sprays, no pesticides and no toxins. You know, whether choosing these tampons for yourself or a woman in need, that you are choosing the safest tampon option.

Check out Crimson and join their online community.

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