A Boundless Love

By Hayley Zemontas

My only hope for you
is that you always know how loved you are.

Know that, for me, you were the best decision ever;
You’re my moon, my sun and the brightest of stars.

I hope that, on your lowest days,
you will find your way to me,
so I can wrap my arms around you 
and give you a short reprieve.

Know that with me, you always have permission to cry.
That’s what mummies are for: to cuddle and remind you of all the reasons why
you’re amazing, unstoppable and meant to be alive.

There isn’t anything that you couldn’t lay upon me,
nothing we can’t work out; together we’re a team.

I’m here for all your questions and the hard lessons you’re gonna face.
I’ll be there for the failures and your first heartbreak,
the anger, attitude and adolescent mistakes.

There’ll be days that you hate me, because I’ve set boundaries down,
moments of slammed doors, shouts and frowns.

But I promise you this, right here and now,
so that you can be sure, without a sliver of doubt.
There’s nothing you could say, nor a thing you could do,
that would ever prevent me from loving you.

So, no matter life’s trials and rocky paths,
please never cease to remember that,
I love you boundlessly with every breath,
just as I have done from the moment that we met. 

Hayley Zemontas is a first-time mum to twin girls. She loves writing poetry and finds it very therapeutic. You can find her on her Facebook page: Twinmumtruths.

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