Breastfeeding Support: When the Best in Breast becomes Beast

It is also the belief systems built on the notion that ‘breast is best’ that need to reviewed.

Changing the language around breastfeeding would help to remove the perceived pressure to ‘give your baby the best or you are a failure’ trap.   

Helpful Tips for Breastfeeding 

  1. Prepare your nipples. Nipples are delicate and although over time breastfeeding will toughen them up, applying coconut or olive oil or a nipple balm before nursing even begins will help to soften, moisturise and minimise cracks and dry skin. Once baby starts to feed, breast milk itself can also be used on the area to help ease damaged skin.  
  2. Use heat and cold compresses to help with engorgement and let down.  
  3. Know where to get support in case you need it – have the contact details of a lactation consultant, midwife or a local breastfeeding support group to hand. During challenging times when your head is just not in it, you will be glad to have one less thing to think about.  
    Breastfeeding Association Australia Helpline: 1800 686 268  
    Plunketline New Zealand: 0800 933922  
    Helplines available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 
  4. Like birth, every breastfeeding experience is different. Every child feeds differently – even your own. Comparing the process with others or against your own expectations of how it should be is not a true measure of supposed success.    
  5. YOU MATTER TOO – You are entitled to make choices based on what is right for you, – not only your baby.  

Visit the Happy Mama Organics website to learn more and to see their natural skincare product range. You can follow their journey on Facebook and Instagram. 

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