Those early days, weeks, and months of motherhood can feel like a bit of a blur, with all your time taken up with caring for your precious newborn. It may be some time before you feel like venturing out of the house for some much-needed ‘me time’. Well, The Beauty Bus has come up with a great solution: at-home beauty therapy treatments helping you to look and feel your best without the stress and guilt of having to be parted from your little one. Beauty Therapist Rhiannon Rizvi came up with the idea for The Beauty Bus when she was a new mum herself and now shares her passion by helping you to look and feel great, from the comfort of your own home.
The passion: What inspired you to set up your business?
The inspiration behind The Beauty Bus was from my own experience. I was a new mum fresh out of hospital. As most mothers will remember, those first few weeks are blurry. You are going through so many changes physically and mentally! All I wanted was to feel myself, but without the guilt of leaving behind my days-old little bubs. I thought how wonderful it would be to have someone come to me even just for a manicure or a brow tidy. So, from that I thought, I’m sure other women could relate to this, and that’s where I came up with the idea of offering services that were mobile, so people could look and feel their best without the stress.

The launch: How did you start out in the beginning?
I literally just went for it! A few months after baby was born, I launched my Instagram page and wasn’t intending on having much of a reaction. I wanted to see what people thought. I wanted to start off small and slowly build. Being mum first meant I only had a small amount of time I could offer. I was nervous to say the least, starting a business, not having any previous clientele to start with and not knowing if this idea of being mobile could work. But after a week or so, I had people requesting treatments, most of them mums, which I loved as it meant my intention translated well. I wanted to help other mums and through this business it meant I could.
The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?
The biggest breakthrough so far has been simply that my intention to help other mothers feel and look their best is exactly what I have been able to achieve! I put myself and my brand out there hoping to attract the niche of working mums, stay-at-home mums, new mums, ALL mums! Most businesses within this industry have people come to them and I have been able to offer a service that accommodates the people. I feel it’s a small game changer for a lot of people and that truly gives The Beauty Bus so much purpose.