Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?
This is a small side-line for me, and it has been hard at times to balance a busy part-time job, 2 children and normal life stuff, but when you are passionate about something and want others to know about it, you find snippets of time to work the way that feels most comfortable for you.
Facebook has made that reaching out easier in such a situation and being a consultant of the product, there is a lot of support. After having my own business, I knew that Facebook was the place to start. It’s the easiest and cheapest medium and allows you to measure what you are doing and all from home.
The drive: What challenges have you overcome?
I still work on those challenges……educating others.
Food IS thy medicine and unfortunately, our food doesn’t contain all we need; it’s picked before its peak. When vine ripened, that’s when all the goodness goes in. Our body then recognises this and absorbs this goodness, which in turn, nurtures and nourishes our body. It’s not synthetically created in a lab and there is scientific research backing it.
With a natural product, time is also what is required. You have had your body let you down for so long, it will take time for it to heal and nourish itself naturally, but there is reward in keeping with it, even if it’s not always directly noticeable. Your body will heal what it deems is needing the most urgent attention first. It’s not always what you want it to work on first. Investing in your health is a long-term investment and how easily you can take it for granted until you can’t. Something I learnt at a young age and something I don’t want for my family.
For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?
For me the biggest pro is hearing the great stories of success from the product. I especially love hearing the stories of the kids and how they are sleeping better, their immunity has improved, bowel motions are better, eczema isn’t so violent… That’s the gold for our wee ones. The working mums especially find the small investment in the product helps with less time off work with sick kids.
It is, however, frustrating when others don’t get it enough to just give it a go or don’t give it long enough. I love the saying, “do the same thing, get the same result”. If you want a change, try something different, especially with your health. But I understand that not all live by that attitude.
Hopes and dreams: What next?
Just spreading the word and giving others that opportunity to invest in theirs or their child’s health. I love hearing the positive stories of those who have and who do begin to understand the importance of bridging the gap of what we do and what we should be eating and seeing the positive changes within because of it. If I can help one parent or child improve their health then that is a blessing for now and their future.
This is my insurance policy, for me and my family. Knowing that every day our body has up to 30 of the best fruits and veggies nourishing from within.
It all begins from within. We all came from the same place and prioritising the health of ourselves and our children will give us the opportunity to enjoy more and handle better all life throws at us.
Follow the From Within journey on Instagram to find out more.