Guiding & Supporting New Mums on Their Motherhood Journey

The drive: What challenges have you overcome? 

The challenge of often not feeling good enough has been with me since childhood. It’s interesting that often challenges as a mum stem from childhood experiences and how you were brought up. Now as an adult, a mum and a business owner, it is so important to recognise that perfection sometimes can get in the way of enjoyment and growing as an individual. You don’t always need to have the answers or have it all together. Mum guilt still sometimes creeps in, but this helps me to be more aware and present for mums and their families I work with. Doing stuff out of your comfort zone can also be a great adventure. 

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?

The cons are definitely the daily grind of admin, financials and general running of the business. It’s not my passion or my strength, so as the business grows, I’ll be able to hand this over to someone else and outsource it. 

In terms of pros, flexibility is definitely a bonus. I’m my own boss. I can work from home with my fluffies and trackpants on when helping mums online all over the world. I can bring my own unique style and support, while also having different offerings such as classes, coffee groups and memberships. I do love my in-home guidance the best, because those newborn cuddles are so scrumptious and the smiles I see returning back to a mum’s face always warm my heart. 

Hopes and dreams: What next? 

My dream would be to be able to create an organisation such as Kraam Verzorg in the Netherlands, my home country, where mums are supported in the home for up to 10 days or even longer. As soon as they arrive home from hospital, they get help with mothercraft, meals, home duties and also settling and sleep support, plus having access to health and wellbeing experts in the field of physical and emotional, nutrition and lactation support. This would be amazing and will make such a difference to our maternal mental health statistics. It’s the village that many mums long for.

I also would love to collaborate with more businesses that are aligned with the passion I have, to offer wrap-around support where it’s needed.

Find out more about the services on offer by heading to the Baby Coach NZ website. You can also join their supportive communities on Facebook and Instagram

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