Holistic Healthcare to Support Children’s Physical, Social & Emotional Well-Being

The Drive: What challenges have you overcome?

Oh boy!! The journey to establishing a successful service has not been without its challenges. I heard this quote from Schitts Creek from Johnny Roses’s book Fast Forward to Success, and at the time, it resonated deeply: “You miss 100% of the tapes you don’t play”. I hear that quote every time I doubt myself. Many significant hurdles exist, such as trusting myself and believing that my healthcare service is needed. Additionally, I needed to trust that people wanted me as a healthcare professional despite having worked for hospitals and health services since 2010. The idea of starting my own practice was intimidating. Building trust within the community was the biggest challenge. Gaining the trust of parents and the community requires consistent effort, even if I am the only one present. It involved demonstrating my experience, knowledge, and reliability and providing high-quality care. Seeking mentorship from experienced professionals and taking courses helped me overcome these challenges. I am still making mistakes and learning from this whole experience, and that’s ok. Over time, the positive outcomes and family feedback helped solidify the service’s reputation.

For Better or Worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?

Running my Child and Family Health Nurse practice has pros and cons. On the positive side, having my practice allows me to implement my vision of holistic, family-centred care without the constraints often found in larger healthcare institutions. It allows me to tailor services to meet the unique needs of each family, providing a level of individualised care frequently lacking in larger institutions. This fosters a closer, more personal relationship with clients, all within the comfort of their homes. However, the responsibility of running a business can be overwhelming at times. Ongoing challenges, navigating social media, building a platform, understanding SEO and algorithms, and showing up as my authentic self is complex with all the noise that comes with shifting through the BS on social media; other things include managing administrative tasks, staying updated with regulatory requirements, and ensuring financial stability. Despite these challenges, the fulfilment I get from positively impacting families’ lives and the unique and personal touch I can bring to each family makes it all worthwhile.

Hopes and Dreams: What next?

Looking ahead, I want to expand the practice to reach more families Australia-wide and reach internationally. This includes establishing satellite clinics in underserved areas and developing more specialised programs to support families with complex issues. As a proud Aboriginal woman, I am currently developing Gawaryamarambang, a program in my traditional language (Ngunnawal), which means my heart is sweet for you. A service that offers parenting and child development support to all Aboriginal and Torres strait islander families for free across Australia online. Every parent, no matter where they are, deserves access to support. No one should be left behind. I also hope to collaborate with other healthcare providers and community organisations to create a more integrated approach to child and family health. Continuing education is another priority, as staying updated with the latest research and best practices is essential for providing the highest standard of care. Ultimately, I aim to create a service that empowers parents to build on their parenting capacity to ensure healthy relationships between parents and children. My vision is to create a comprehensive and inclusive service that reaches every family in need, and I am committed to making this vision a reality.

You can find out more about Holding Parents and connect with Nicki on Instagram and Facebook.

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