Family and friends often want to help and are more than willing too. It could be hanging out the washing, playing with the toddler or bringing around a meal. If someone offers to help, say YES!!!
Do what you need to do to get through the day. If you have to put the TV on it’s OK. Beans on toast is a complete meal if it needs to be. It’s quick and easy and if your toddler will eat it – dish it up. It is hard enough having a new baby; throw a toddler into the mix and you are one busy mama. Some days just managing to have a shower is a big deal.
It’s OK not to be Supermum and it does get easier and you eventually find yourself with a bit more time.
Yes, there were tears, from all of us at one stage or another, and from 4.00pm to 6.30pm was hard! This is when babywearing came into its own. I could pop Georgie into her stretchy Peek-a-Baby wrap so that she was snuggled up close to me, and 9 times out of 10 she would fall asleep. I was then able to make dinner and feed my hungry toddler.
In many ways growing a family of four was easier than I expected. I was way more relaxed, as the second time around I knew what I was doing. I also knew that each stage would pass and didn’t seem as never-ending as it does with your first baby.
It is only natural to worry about how you will cope but you will, and before you know it, as clichéd as it is, this time will have passed and you will look back on it fondly. (OK not all of it, but most of it).
You got this mama!
More than 5 years ago Jane Frazerhurst was gifted a Peek-a-Baby wrap and discovered how easy it was to use. Being able to keep her newborn close, while attending to the needs of a busy toddler, became essential. Fast forward several years and Jane loved the product so much she bought the business. Peek-a-Baby wraps are made from 100% soft cotton, that allows for ergonomic positioning of your baby. Babies thrive on touch and babywearing allows you to maintain close contact with your little one, while you continue your daily activities. Hug your baby hands free! See the Peek-a-Baby website for more and be sure to follow Peek-a-Baby on Facebook and Instagram.