Keeping stress at bay for busy parents this Christmas

 Bath Salts Recipe: 

1 cup of Epsom salts 
½ cup baking soda 
½ cup sea salt 
10 drops of essential oil, e.g. lavender & peppermint or lemongrass & lime 
Mix together and store in a glass jar 

  • Consider buying experiences instead of stuff…massages, facials, meditation course, a Spotify or audible book subscription. Family adventures like the zoo, tree-climb adventures or camping. 
  • Ensure good sleep hygiene – getting the right amount of rest is crucial for how you cope throughout the day. Keeping the kids at their normal bedtime even when on holiday can save a lot of angst throughout the day. Getting to bed before 10.30pm (for the adults) means a better-quality night’s sleep. An hour of sleep before midnight is worth two after! 
  • Get out in nature. As the weather warms up, make sure you utilise it for exercise. Vitamin D is essential for our health, not just for bone health but our immune systems and even mood. Walk around the block at lunchtime and eat your lunch in a nearby park. Take the kids for a bike ride or try a new hiking trail that is family friendly. 
  • Set family expectations before the big day. Maybe ask the kids to pick a toy (or a few) that they don’t play with anymore and donate it to charity, giving them that feel-good feeling of giving.Can you agree on doing Secret Santa this year, to save gift buying craziness? Can you set a gift budget? Can you all bring a plate on the day?  
  • Take time to reflect on your year: write down all the highlights and learnings. Make sure they are all phrased in a positive light. This is a great family exercise to do if the kids are old enough. Even setting some family goals for the new year. 

To get you started, sign up to my free 5-day, de-stress challenge for busy mums, starting Monday 9th December.

Overall, it’s a time to celebrate! Wishing you all a fun, happy festive season!  

Jane McClurg is an Auckland-based qualified naturopath, medical herbalist and massage therapist, specialising in the health and vitality of busy mums. She’s passionate about helping mums get their energy back so that they can stop feeling tired, bloated, stressed out and overwhelmed. Check out her blog and website for more tips and advice.

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