By Bridget Jackson
I broke a few small twigs in my hand whilst my son went rummaging under the bushes – moments later he re-appeared with a handful of dried grass. Crouched on the clifftops, out of the breeze, we eagerly set to – our dry little teepee of kindling soon crackling as the fire took hold. Minutes later the billy was boiling and, bathed in the rich golden glow of the winter’s afternoon, a warming cup of tea brought a peaceful closure to our day.
So often we sit atop these cliffs. Never twice the same. We bring new thoughts and different conversations, watch the clouds rush past high above, eavesdrop on the chirping fairy wrens, feel the coolness of the sandstone underneath and gaze down onto the distant farmland.
But one constant remains…our enduring appreciation and connection to this space. It’s these small happenings that weave the fabric of our life, creating pauses, full-stops almost, in our routine and entwine the natural world with the everyday.
But one constant remains…our enduring appreciation and connection to this space.
It’s only when stepping into the ‘other’ world that I truly realise the sanctity, nourishment, sense of wonder and perspective that the natural environment provides – and the importance of our relationship with it.