Providing Care, Support & Insight Through Early Motherhood

The launch: How did you start out in the beginning?

When my firstborn was 6 months old, I’d had enough of seeing false information (or half-truths) being taught as the ‘gold standard’ and seeing mothers from every age and stage wracking their brains as to why ‘it’s not working’, or feeling like failures because the ‘experts’ advice didn’t work for me’.

In Feb 2023, I decided to start The Intuitive Parent – first by teaching only Elimination Communication (EC), which is also known in the Western world as potty training from birth or non-coercive potty training, but is in fact, a part of everyday life for intact cultures. To learn more about this, please follow us on Facebook.

The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?

In June 2023, I branched out to offering support for navigating breastfeeding, sleep, routine, the newborn stages, starting solids and educating on CPR, Choking and Anaphylaxis – because motherhood is all-consuming, you think about the needs of your child(ren) 24/7, especially in those early days and despite how many ‘experts’ in these areas operate, it’s not just about one aspect that needs to be considered when making recommendations.

That is why it’s my passion to provide evidence-informed, individual-tailored support to ensure that I’m using my knowledge as a health professional and mother but also listening, acknowledging and encompassing the mother’s experience and intuition to create a supportive environment where both the parents and child(ren) thrive.

Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?

I have about 2-3 hours every couple of days in the week that are dedicated to working in and on my business to make sure I’m providing excellent care to my clients and their families. I do my best to find a balance between being present with my loved ones whilst still making time to work on my passions and dreams. Sometimes that means more or less time with one or the other but for me it always comes back to ‘why’ am I doing what I’m doing: 1) to create an environment for my child (soon to be children) where they feel loved, seen and empowered, 2) to do 1) whilst filling my own cup of being a caregiver and successful business owner and 3) to provide the care, support and insight to other mothers that I wish I had during the early stages of motherhood.

The drive: What challenges have you overcome?

As with many other mums that are considered ‘alternative’ or ‘crunchy’, I’ve faced many challenges with finding childcare options to create both time for my business and my own well-being, but since I’ve discovered what works for us, it’s been an absolute game changer!

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?

Being a business owner is incredibly hard. Being a mum and a business owner is even harder! There have been times where I’ve had to decide to either cut back on my business endeavours or to miss out on time with my loved ones. As I’ve mentioned before, its super important to find that balance so that you don’t harbour resentment for feeling ‘held back by circumstance’ or end up being absent due to ‘busy-ness’.

On the flip side, running my own business has allowed me greater flexibility to do the things I want to do with my family rather than feeling ‘stuck’ or ‘restrained’ by a roster set out by someone who doesn’t hold the same values as I do.

Hopes and dreams: What next?

As I prepare for the arrival of my second baby, I’m reminded of the gift of empowerment when I practise what I preach, using both experience and intuition to guide me through this season. Looking ahead, it is my dream to be the trusted wise friend who stands in the corner of the ‘alternative’ woman navigating early motherhood, whether for the first or 10th time, celebrating her as she steps into being the Intuitive Parent she’s destined to be in every aspect, from breastfeeding to sleep to potty training and beyond.

Visit The Intuitive Parent website to find out more, and connect with Jeanelle on Facebook and Instagram.

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