With over 10 years experience as a Naturopath, working in reproductive health, fertility, antenatal and postnatal care, Lisa Murdoch felt like more emotional and stress support was required for her clients as they navigate their journey to conception. She discovered EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) when she was experiencing some health concerns of her own and found immediate benefits, prompting her to complete her EFT training and share the technique with the world – particularly its positive effects to reduce stress and anxiety associated with conceiving and during pregnancy. At Heart Mind Soul EFT, she aims to teach as many people as possible the benefits of EFT as a tool to calm the nervous system both prior to and during pregnancy. Here she talks to The Natural Parent Magazine about the inspiration behind what she does, her biggest breakthrough, and her hopes and dreams for the future.
The passion: What inspired you to set up your business?
I have worked as a Naturopath in the field of reproductive health concerns, fertility, antenatal and postnatal care for over 10 years. So much of my clinical time is spent working with clients struggling to conceive. I have wonderful herbs and nutrients that I work with, but I felt there was a piece missing from the puzzle. I felt like my clients needed more emotional and stress support as they navigated their journey to conception. Emotional Freedom Technique or ‘tapping’ is an incredible evidence-based stress-reduction tool which clients can use to address any facet of their life that is not serving them well. We know that stress in the preconception phase can significantly impact on fertility. When the body doesn’t feel ‘safe’, it inherently knows that having a baby might not be the best idea at that time. We also know that stress impacts on hormone production in the male and female partner, it can dysregulate the menstrual cycle, it can impact on egg quality, and it can also impact on sperm health.
Managing stress in the mother-to-be also has far reaching consequences in terms of genetic expression in her offspring. Maternal stress impacts on the baby’s metabolic health and immune programming, influencing the development of type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance as well as atopic disease like asthma and eczema. EFT is an effective gentle technique to reduce stress either prior to or during pregnancy.

The launch: How did you start out in the beginning?
At the time of discovering EFT, I was experiencing some health concerns that I was struggling to manage with Naturopathy and Western medicine. I learnt how to perform EFT from a YouTube video! Not something I would recommend but EFT provided immediate benefit when nothing else had. I then connected with a Naturopath who was an EFT trainer who also happened to work in the field of fertility. It was just a perfect match. I wanted to learn how to use EFT properly, so I jumped on a plane and flew across to the Gold Coast in Queensland to complete my training. I then proceeded to gain my accreditation to become a Clinical EFT practitioner and now I just feel I need to tell the whole world about it!!
The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?
I think the challenge is to try and be innovative every day. EFT is relatively new so people are unsure about what it can do for them or how it can fit into their lives. It can feel a bit out there! My biggest breakthrough was going out on a limb and delivering a free fertility workshop over 5 weeks to a select number of clients. EFT is so useful at addressing stress and anxiety associated with conceiving. One of the participants (who had endured so much loss) fell pregnant after they had completed this course which was just so immensely gratifying.

Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?
My children are all young adults now, but I have studied and worked all throughout motherhood. I started my Naturopathy degree with a newborn baby and a toddler, I started my practice when my children were all in primary school, I completed my Masters in Reproductive Medicine when they were all in high school and then I went on to complete an extensive accreditation process to become an EFT practitioner. I think as mothers we become very good at changing gears and adapting to what is required of us. You become very good at compartmentalising the day according to work, study and running the household. Exercise for me is paramount; it’s an absolute non-negotiable. Tapping has, of course, changed my life and helped me achieve a wonderful sense of calm. I am less reactive as a parent now that I have learned to manage my stress through tapping. Teaching my children to use tapping to manage their own stress has also helped so they learn to regulate their own behaviour.