The drive: What challenges have you overcome?
I think there is always a lot of competition these days. Everything is so accessible online and there is always someone doing it a bit differently. I try to stay in my lane, remain authentic and remember that my mission is to support women and mothers and that’s where I try to focus all my energy and love.
My second biggest challenge is paid clients. We are quick to buy the most expensive pram, a $70 onesie from a brand-named retail outlet or an expensive maternity shoot, but then don’t want to invest in postpartum care (which I truly believe is the most important care you’ll ever receive in life). Making sales can come and go in this space and at times I feel I provide a lot of FREE advice and content for little return. The beauty of paid clients in this space is they know what they want and there is very little selling required – they reach out to you.

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?
The pros are that I have built a brand and a business of my personal views, passions and ethics. Everything I do in my business aligns with passion and love for helping mothers. At times I feel my cup is just overflowing with so much gratitude, it has nowhere to go but into my clients. It’s a really nice feeling and so unbelievably rewarding. It is also really nice to have the flexibility with young kids and knowing I have a bit of flex with the way in which I run my business.
I lightly touched on this before, but in terms of cons, the extra jobs you have to take on as a small business can be extremely time consuming. Not only do I provide services, run workshops and sell eBooks, I manage admin, scheduling, accounting and bookkeeping and spend a lot of hours as a content creator to maintain a social media presence. It can at times become a lot.

Hopes and dreams: What next?
Ahhh so many plans!!! I am looking at running virtual workshops. Just like antenatal classes, I want to run workshops to purely focus on the transition into motherhood.
I really want to expand my virtual client base and support mums on a broader level online. After all, we do live in a digital age.
I really want to see my eBook make its 1000th sale before the end of the year and will look to release a sister eBook “Beyond the Fourth Trimester” in the coming months.
There are so many exciting things in store for my little brand but I’m so excited for the advice and wisdom I can pass onto other beautiful mamas.
Visit The Jones Way website to find out more about the services Emma offers, and join her supportive communities on Facebook and Instagram.