Founder of MetaMed Integrative Osteopathy and Holistic Chiropractic clinics, Psychosomatic Therapist and mother, Jin Ong, is trail blazing the awareness, and teaching the community just how much their physical body reflects their emotional state. Jin helps her clients acknowledge how their emotions are manifesting in their body as pain, dysfunction or disease, and then facilitates the process of release, ultimately leading them back on the right path to living to their full potential.
Our bodies tell a deeper story. My aim has always been to communicate this in a practical and easy-to-understand way. Bringing greater awareness around how our body speaks to us if only we would listen to it.
I define psychosomatic therapy as the art of listening to your body. It helps us to understand which type of emotions are stored in different parts of the body. This gives us the ability and awareness as to what issues may need to come to the surface to be dealt with.
Some people say that they’re not really into ‘this stuff’ or it’s ‘not for them’ but if you have a brain and a body you can’t ignore this connection. Our body is constantly communicating with us to give us information about our environment so that we can adapt. It tells us when we’re in danger so that we can run away, it makes us sleepy when we’re sick so that we can rest to recover. It also tells us when we haven’t really dealt with stress and trauma and the emotions associated with it.
In my early days of practice, I felt limited in what I could offer with just physical treatment. I could tell that people’s emotions and external life were playing a bigger part in how they felt, and it was this that was potentially holding them back from feeling healthy and being able to enjoy their life.
This led me down the path of psychosomatic therapy. It completely changed the way I practise and led to more satisfying results with my clients. It helped me understand the body in a way I already intuitively understood. It gave me the permission to trust my instincts and bring awareness to the real issues people were dealing with in their life.
I have worked with tens of thousands of clients over many years as a holistic osteopath, herbalist, western medical acupuncturist and psychosomatic therapist. I’ve supported many to analyse their pain presentation in the body, creating a greater awareness around their life situations and any issues that they may also need to address.
On a parental note and mother of one myself, having a baby is such a transition time for many mothers. Their course in life changes because they now have a different ‘why’ driving them. The change in role really gets women thinking about what they’re doing with their life. I use this opportunity to help people reassess their situation, get back to their values and realise what they truly desire. The core of my work comes down to helping people get back on the right path of pursuing their dreams, passions and expressing their soul purpose. That’s when a plan is needed.