A Mother’s Instinct is Like No Other

It’s called a gut feeling for a reason and it will very rarely, if ever let you down. If something doesn’t sit right with you, doesn’t make sense, or that voice in your head simply won’t dampen down, LISTEN to it and act.

Never let your own fear of being knocked down and made to feel like a crazy bitch cause you to lose focus on the bigger picture: the wellbeing of your child.

Whatever the case may be, hold your head up high and steady that voice. I would rather spend the length of a doctor’s visit potentially wasting both their time and mine to ensure my child isn’t and won’t suffer in any way shape or form. I would rather have it out with their teacher in a respectful yet frank manner than have my child feel frightened or unsupported at school.

We’re all different. And yes, in every aspect of life, while there are wide variations of what is considered “normal”, if it’s not “normal” for YOUR child, speak up Mumma.

It’s OK to question.
It’s OK to do your own research.

When you became a mother, along with that squishy warm bundle you also acquired a voice, not only for yourself but one for your child until they grow big enough for this world to sit down and listen. Never be afraid to stand up and be heard. You are your child’s advocate.

At the end of the day, if all else fails, that little person standing knee high next to you will look up in adoration and remember you did all you could just for them.

Lacey Owen is a busy mum of three gorgeous children who provide the basis of her blog @Laced with Love. Experiences along her journey to becoming a mother and all that Motherhood entails such as miscarriage, ill babies, secondary infertility and raising young children. She works part time as a health professional and loves nothing more than creating memories with her young family at many beaches in the winterless north of NZ.

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