Celebrating Difference: Brazilian Twins With Albinism

Photography: Vinicius Terranova

By Hannah Schenker

Here at The Natural Parent Magazine, we like to celebrate everyone’s individuality (we also believe that beauty is more than skin deep). How we look is a big part of what makes us individuals, so it is wonderful to see these young twins – São Paulo-born Lara and Mara Bawar – being celebrated for their uniqueness. They have albinism, something rare and therefore rather striking. Albinism is a condition where the skin and hair lack the usual pigments. For these twins, born in Brazil but with parents who are originally from Guinea-Bissau in West Africa, this means their pale skin and hair really do set them apart.

Yes, they are young to be featuring as models in a photo shoot (they were just 11 when these images came out), but we have to say – they are incredible, aren’t they? Their debut came about thanks to photographer Vinicius Terranova, when he featured them in his series entitled Flores Raras (meaning Rare Flowers). He first came across them in a video, and knew he wanted to work with them, to celebrate their beauty.

“My point is to analyze how being uncommon is far from being negative,” he says, “Actually, when you possess a different, therefore rare, trait this feature makes you more beautiful and special, never less. Besides its plea to the power of diversity, it represents the encounter with their sublime beauty.”

How do Lara and Mara feel about their own special kind of beauty?

Lara told Metro: ‘We feel albinism is pretty, we love our hair, eye colour and skin tone.

Mara added: ‘Growing up like this was amazing, we love being different and are happy with our unique beauty.’

They have their own Instagram account with sister Sheila, so here are a few of their beautiful photos!

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