10 Tips for Helping Your Children Balance Technology Usage for Education 

6. Set Clear Boundaries 

Setting clear boundaries for technology use is one of the most effective ways to help your children manage their screen time. Make screens off-limits in their bedrooms and at the dinner table. You can also set time boundaries – for instance, allow screen time only between breakfast and dinner. 

7. Take Weekends Off  

Try banning technology use for a whole weekend if you’re really concerned about the amount of time your kids spend on a screen. Taking a long break can help reset your kids’ brains for the next school week and give them plenty of time to rest and play in the real world. Try this challenge with your kids to boost their morale.  

8. Encourage Active Play 

Studies show that active movement and play are essential for child development. Activity can help them manage stress and protect their posture as they get older. Encourage your children to play actively during break times and after remote work. Time outside is a great way to reconnect with nature while engaging in movement.  

Taking a long break can help reset your kids’ brains for the next school week and give them plenty of time to rest and play in the real world.

9. Identify Addiction Issues 

It’s doubtful that your kids will become addicted to screens during their school day. However, screen addiction is a real issue that can drain your children’s free time and negatively impact their productivity and mental health. Help your kids learn to identify signs of screen addiction so they can self-monitor and protect themselves from its harmful effects. 

10. Model Healthy Behaviour 

One of the most important things you can do is model healthy technology use for your children. If you restrict their screen time but are always on your phone, they’ll notice and be frustrated. Screen addiction can also happen to adults, and that’s not the future you want for your kids or yourself.  

Finding Balance 

It can be challenging for children to be on a screen for so much of the day, but remote learning isn’t going away anytime soon. Use these 10 tips to balance your kids’ school hours with time offline.  

The right amount of screen time for your family depends on the specific goals you have for your kids. However, managing their technology use is the key to protecting their health and helping them thrive during these challenging times. 

Jane is the founder and editor-in-chief of Environment.co where she shares practical tips on how to live a greener life.  

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