100% Natural Emu Oil: Effective Remedies for The Whole Family

Baby Shampoo & Body Wash

Emu Tracks natural Shampoo & Body Wash has been specially created for babies and children with sensitive skin and scalps. With its extremely mild ‘no tears’ formula, it is gentle enough for all-over use. Formulated for babies and children who suffer with cradle cap, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, allergies and sensitive skin, it has been specially designed as a dual-purpose product that is suitable for babies and children of all ages to keep their skin soft, smooth and fresh.

Emu Tracks Shampoo & Body Wash does not contain nasty petrochemicals, synthetic preservatives, sulphates, ethoxylates, fragrances and colourings that are found in 99% of shampoos and body washes. Gentle and less aggressive on skin to maintain natural moisture and oils, it is enriched with natural plant extracts, shea butter and lavender essential oil together with emu oil to cleanse, nourish and calm delicate, sensitive and problematic skin types.

Emu Oil Moisturiser: Activated Skin Care

Emu Oil Moisturiser has been created for sensitive and delicate skin which has a higher tendency to react adversely compared to ‘normal’ skin. This can be due to a weakened skin barrier which allows irritants, skincare ingredients or environmental conditions to penetrate or react with your skin more readily. The results may include redness, itching, stinging, irritation, dry or flaking skin. Skin sensitivity varies from person to person and can be triggered by artificial ingredients or chemicals in beauty products, environmental factors, diet, medication, stress or skin ailments. The unique combination of emu oil, rosehip oil and natural plant extracts provides lasting moisture and hydration throughout the day. This hypoallergenic, lightweight formula has been developed with selected oils and ingredients to soothe, nourish, rejuvenate and regenerate sensitive and delicate skin.

Emu oil offers exceptional penetrating properties to more efficiently carry moisture and nutrients deep beneath the skin surface, resulting in silky smooth skin, firmness and improved elasticity without any oily residue. Our skin absorbs up to 60% of what we apply, so it’s important to use a natural moisturiser without nasty additives, harmful petrochemicals or artificial colouring which can cause irritation. With its incredible natural anti-inflammatory properties, it also has the ability to soothe and repair irritated and angry skin.

Pure Emu Oil

Emu Oil has extraordinary penetrating and anti-inflammatory properties to rapidly target and relieve symptoms. Safe for your whole family, including babies, it is hypo-allergenic and highly beneficial for dry, irritated and sensitive skin. It is a natural source of Omega 3, 6, 7 & 9 and Vitamins A, D, E, F & K2. When used correctly, Emu Oil leaves the skin smooth and silky without any oily residue.

Pure Emu Oil can benefit you in a number of ways:

• A highly versatile, remedial oil with multiple uses
• Reduces irritation and inflammation caused by skin disorders, including eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, nappy rash and cradle cap
• Superior penetrating properties to mineral & vegetable oils
• Provides relief from arthritis
• Provides relief from joint pain, muscular aches, bruising, sprains and strains
• Assists in reducing inflammation and pain caused by shingles
• Reduces itching and pain associated with insect bites
• Reduces pain and scarring caused by burns
• Reduces redness and scarring caused by acne
• Regular application can aid in reducing stretch marks and age spots
• The ideal scalp treatment for associated irritations and conditions
• When taken internally, aids to lower cholesterol levels
• Scientific research has shown emu oil reduces inflammation associated with digestive disorders such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn’s Disease, Indigestion and Ulcers
• A moisturising eye make-up remover

Research studies have also proven that Emu Oil can promote the regeneration of skin tissue, as it increases the rate of proliferation of fibroblasts, the main skin cells in tissue culture. A number of burns units throughout the world have shown that when applied topically, Emu Oil reduces pain associated with burns. It also speeds up the healing process and results in less scarring.

Emu Tracks products are specifically targeted to people with sensitive skin, skin conditions, and allergies. With a wonderful, vast range of products for the whole family, they are committed to continuing to improve the lives of individuals suffering from various ailments by providing the opportunity to experience the many benefits that emu oil has to offer.

Visit the Emu Tracks website to find out more and to browse their full range of products. You can also follow them on Facebook and Instagram.

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