14 Signs We Need To Detox

The body is infinitely clever and with the right tools and fuels, it can eliminate toxins effectively on its own  as long as our systems and elimination organs are in good shape and we take time to regularly rest and digest and tend and befriend. 

Today our bodies must contend with insidious man-made toxins that can be invisible and menacing in their design.  

14 simple things we can do 

Here’s a reminder and if you’re not already doing them just choose one or two: 

  1. Reduce the amount of toxins in the home and take a closer look at the cosmetics and cleaning products you’re using and do you need to be using as many as you are?  There are many good brands and local brands available now. I generally use Castille Soaps, doTerra, Weleda or Eva Perez makeup. 
  2. Avoid plastics – use glass, ceramic, cast iron or steel food storage and cooking utensils. 
  3. Coconut oil as a moisturiser, sesame or olive oil. Mix it up and check for allergies too. 
  4. Store and freeze in glass. 
  5. Wash new clothes before wearing them, especially baby clothes. 
  6. Leave dry cleaning out for a day or two before storing in your cupboard or better still, perhaps it doesn’t need dry cleaning? 
  7. Add more bitter foods into the diet e.g. dark leafy greens, rocket and dandelion greens. Bitters stimulate the flow of bile in the gall bladder and support the liver. 
  8. Eat good fats and whole foods in general. 
  9. Herbs and spices that help to stimulate bile production and support liver health such as dandelion root and milk thistle. 
  10. Increase antioxidants that help balance out damaging free radicals in the body e.g. blueberries, acai berry, prunes, pomegranates and beetroots (note the colour of each of these foods)! 
  11. Mind our minds and reduce stress in an instant. In this post I shared tips on how we can do this. 
  12. Start using essential oils if you’re not already.  They are potent plant medicine that have been around for thousands of years. They provide an aromatic, gentle, health promoting way to clean, purify and treat our families and homes.
  13. Breathe. Diaphragmatic breathing instantly initiates our rest and digest response (rather than breathing from the chest which initiates more of a fight and flight response.) 
  14. And this previous post with 17 ways to detoxify naturally.

Originally published here.

After working as an executive in professional services, Kate Barnes started her global business as a Certified Holistic Health Coach. She has a Bachelor of Science and a Post Graduate Diploma in Business. Kate runs an online program, ‘Our Happy Children‘, a leading education program for deeply nourishing families and building strong immunity, great energy and preventing illness. For more information visit Kate’s website, like her Facebook page for loads of daily inspiration, healthy tips and recipes and follow her on Instagram.


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