Holistic Therapist and Nutritionist Ivana Separovic has spent years practising mindfulness, which has helped her to navigate the ups and downs of motherhood. Mindful Original was born from her desire to help others, through her love for mindfulness and creativity. Her philosophy is to make mindfulness practice easy and fun, no matter what level you are at or how much experience you have. She offers new and creative ways to meditate that will help you to relax, find calmness, tap into your true self, and appreciate the small things in life. At Mindful Original, there is something for everyone, no matter how busy you are. Here Ivana talks to The Natural Parent Magazine about the passion behind her business, how she balances work and family life, and her hopes and dreams for the future.
The passion: What inspired you to set up your business?
I’ve been practising mindfulness for years now and even before I was a mom, I had my own ways of remaining mindful throughout the day. These practices proved to be a lifesaver when tackling the ups and downs of motherhood and embracing the whole journey. One day, I decided to write down all the different ways I practised gratitude. After finally finishing (6 months later, haha), I decided to share them with the world. I had them printed out, and that’s how my first product came to be! In 2020, when I started Mindful Original, I was already certified as a food coach and mental health counsellor. The business came as a result of my desire to help others, and my love for mindfulness and creativity. The idea of “Mindfulness for Moms and Busy People” simply came to me naturally-I didn’t feel like I chose it, but rather, it chose me.

The launch: How did you start out in the beginning?
I started by opening a small store on Etsy.com and listing my cards and a few other products that I created. I have to admit that my expectations didn’t exactly match reality, but I learned a lot while building the shop. I learned how to write product descriptions, understand a bit about SEO and even make videos. I still remember the moment when someone I didn’t know bought my gratitude cards. I was so excited that I jumped around in my pyjamas in the living room and my husband Tony and Lucy clapped for me as if I had won the lottery. I still kind of feel like I’m still in the beginning of my journey though. I am currently working on my first course – Mindfulness for Mums – and have many ideas in my mind.
The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?
Perhaps figuring out the identity of my business. I started off feeling quite confused and spent a lot of time creating products just to “fill up the spot” in my store. Eventually I realised these products didn’t resonate with me. I thought about how I wanted to spend my time and energy, and chose to work on what matters to me the most instead of thinking about what was going to sell or look good. This decision was crucial, as it set me off on a journey where I could feel comfortable and fully aligned with my creations. Some time later, when a mental health clinic in Perth decided to purchase my cards to aid their clients in improving their wellbeing, it reassured me that designing t-shirts and mugs wasn’t aligned with the essence of Mindful Original.

Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?
I’m a full-time mom and my family is my top priority-no question about it. My business comes second, but let’s be real, finding time for it can be a challenge! 😁 I tend to go with the flow and tackle things as they come up-that’s how I manage to get things done bit by bit every day. Also, my business is more of a passion project than a strict money-maker. That’s what helps me remain stress-free when it comes to deadlines and targets. Each day brings its own surprises, but having my priorities straight helps me handle it all. Family first, business second-keeping that in mind keeps me sane and satisfied.