An experienced midwife, registered nurse and primary school teacher, Kellie Campbell has witnessed first hand the effects of sleep deprivation and is passionate about helping families navigate these exhausting and overwhelming times – in an empathic and nurturing way. At Sleep Tight, Kellie’s services as a paediatric sleep consultant include home visits, online consultations and an extensive follow-up service, and include a personalised sleep plan for your baby or toddler that is based on your family’s individual needs. Here she talks to The Natural Parent Magazine about the inspiration behind her business, the challenges she has overcome along the way, and her hopes and dreams for the future.
The passion: What inspired you to set up your business?
My business started after the birth of my first daughter where I struggled first hand through post-natal depression and anxiety and was living away from family in Queensland. My husband worked 6 days a week, 12-hour days and although I lived to be a mother for a long time, it took a lot longer than planned to fall pregnant, which was a rollercoaster of a ride itself. Motherhood wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be, then throw poor sleep into the mix and I was a mess. I felt scared and ashamed to ask for help as I felt judged and that I should know what I was doing as I was a midwife. So, I took this opportunity to study and do a child sleep consultation course, and my goal was to implement it on my daughter and if it worked, to help others. It was the best thing I could have done; it helped her sleep, and it helped me get back my sanity and bring the joy and fun back into our lives as parenthood should be. I was no longer dreading each day and my daughter was thriving in her development once her sleep improved.
After my second daughter was born, I implemented all my sleep and settling knowledge from the beginning and despite her having multiple issues with sleep, including ‘silent reflux, iron deficiency, cow’s milk protein intolerance, multiple chronic ear infections and sleep disordered breathing, she still loved her sleep. It’s from these experiences and hurdles along the way with my second daughter’s sleep that has further grown my passion and experience into child’s sleep and settling. My ‘why’ is to assist other families with their child’s sleep and settling and make their journey into parenthood rewarding and as special as it should be, without the worry of poor sleep and the impact it has on the whole family.

The launch: How did you start out in the beginning?
I just started advertising on Facebook and the local mothers’ group pages and had a keen interest by families – and no one in our area did this. I made a Facebook Page, Instagram and website. I started with a few families and taught them what I had learnt, and my business has grown onwards and upwards from this. I also partnered with other health professionals and would run playgrounds where a few of the local businesses would present some information to get our business known around the community.
The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?
The biggest breakthrough with my business is moving from a small regional town where I was the only in the industry and move to a city and compete with lots of other businesses. Once moving to Sydney, I had the joy of becoming a finalist in only a matter of a few months in the local business awards. Winning this award was such a privilege and achievement. Also being to go-to Child Sleep Consultant in my area and recommended by Obstetricians, Paediatricians and other health professionals.

Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?
I like keeping busy and am always on the go keeping up to date with new research and applying my new knowledge in my business. I manage this balance by making sure I spend quality time with my family and have ‘my time’ in which I fill my cup. You will find me at the gym, gardening or socialising with friends. But I do love exploring our local area with my beautiful girls too.