The drive: What challenges have you overcome?
One of the biggest challenges, if I step away from the business stuff for a moment, was actually getting dressed, and I’m not just talking about the putting clothes on part. I’m talking about when you work from home and have this amazing freedom around what you can wear to your office or studio, and for me, after years of fitted clothes and high heels, comfy track pants and tees (and on the odd day pjs) just seemed like a dream. At the start, it was because after all staying comfortable when you’re sewing is pretty important right? Well for me the answer was yes, but as I soon discovered early on, there’s a bit of a problem with dressing that way because your outfit actually affects your productivity. There are days when maybe you’re ordering supplies or cleaning your workspace and that’s OK, but there are days that you need to be every bit the powerhouse you know you are. So, the challenge for me was finding that perfect ‘work from home wardrobe’. I needed to be comfortable but not so comfortable that if the courier turned up I’d have to hide, so I settled on comfortable pants, a fun top and some lipstick or gloss. The difference from then to now has been amazing! And if you’re reading this and you have some tips on your ‘work from home wardrobe’ share them with me, because the challenge is real ladies.

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?
Is this where I say paperwork? Because I’ve got to say hands down that’s easily not my favourite part of running my own business. But I guess if I really stop and think about it yes there are downsides, and things like income and working alone would definitely be some of them. But to me the upsides win, like all the design and the creative experiences, the wonderful people I meet and the mums I help – all those moments belong to me and that just far outweighs any of the bad.
Hopes and dreams: What next?
My dreams for the future? That’s a good question. I’ve got some amazing designs I’m working on, but the big picture dream is to continue building my brand and to keep creating nursing pillows that are as unique as we are. I want them to become recognised as real competition for those that are made off-shore and to be the go-to for women everywhere.
Find out more about BabyBaby on their website or check out their online communities on Facebook and Instagram.