For the past 15 years, Emma Sternberg has made her life about understanding the body, the mind and how it’s all connected, learning that the body talks to us through its symptoms. She helps her clients to understand why an issue has developed in the first place, analysing symptoms in a truly holistic way. Her training and expertise spans a wide range of natural therapies, including: kinesiology, nutrition, counselling, homeopathy, acupressure, traditional Chinese medicine philosophies and a Bachelor of Health Science (complementary medicine), giving her a unique way of looking at each condition. One of her areas of expertise is behaviour and anxiety in children. She understands the need to approach kids’ emotional challenges with ease and grace, and has created mini courses that include everything that parents need to know about being there emotionally for their children, whilst helping them to be strong and resilient.
The passion: What inspired you to set up your business?
When you graduate as a natural therapist, there is really no choice but to set up your own business! There’s not a lot of employment opportunity in the industry so in order to practise, you have to create and build a business.

The launch: How did you start out in the beginning?
The launch was hard, hard work for a few years! I really had no idea about business when I started and no clue as to how to promote my services. It took me 7 months of turning up each Saturday morning to my little hired space to welcome my first paying client through the door. But I had this determination that “this” is what I wanted to do with my life. So it kept me going!
The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?
Learning to connect and network with other business owners and practitioners was definitely the thing that helped me to grow the most. Making friends with people who are on a similar journey and who understand the same challenges helped me to gain confidence and feel supported on my journey.

Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?
This one has been a challenge! It does get easier the longer you are in business as things are more established and ‘need’ you less. Early into our family life, we decided that my partner was going to be a stay-at-home dad. This was important to us because we always wanted one person to be there for the kids. Personally, I try to keep away from the laptop and phone as much as I can when I’m home. If I can’t for a little period of time then I make sure there’s lots of eye contact made in between. The truth is though, sometimes you’re good at the juggle, sometimes not so much! But when I’m stressed, it definitely does impact family life, so I work hard at balancing my own internal world so that I can be present and have head space at home.