The drive: What challenges have you overcome?
I guess the most recent challenge to overcome has been to be filmed on camera – trying to remember everything I needed to say so the videos felt real, true and not staged in anyway, but feeling nervous at the same time!
In the early days, when Infant Massage was still very new, I certainly had people surprised when I mentioned I was a Baby Massage Instructor. I had to learn to stay calm and tell them what an incredible difference it made to families and that it prevents a whole host of ailments.
I think once my passion shone through for it, and they heard lots of success stories, they soon realised how much more there was to it!
For better for worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?
There are endless pros for running my own business, but I would say the biggest one has been working my own hours. I have been able to plan my classes around my children and family, which has given me the flexibility to be there as much as possible as a mum, daughter and sister.
I have spent the last decade doing something I absolutely love, meeting new families at such a precious time and trying to help them as much as I can, whether as a doula, with baby massage techniques or introducing them to other parents.
I would say the downside of running my own business is, in my case, it’s just me! I oversee everything there needs to be done and when I was running classes pre Covid, that meant organising for over 150 babies every week. Planning, venue hire, WhatsApp groups, class photos, certificates, travelling, baking, etc., and it was full on, especially when I had a busy home life once I had finished.
I also am a bit soft when it comes to the financial side of things and would often not charge for classes if I knew a mum was struggling or a Health Visitor had asked if she could send a mum along. This didn’t help pay the bills but the payment for me was of a very different kind – often life changing (parents have kindly told me).
Hopes and dreams: What next?
I would like to hope that in the future new parents are encouraged to rely more on their own feelings and personal values on how to raise their children and not feel the societal pressures put on them.
To be the parent they want to be.
We are all different, but essentially want the same thing: for our babies and children to be and feel loved.
My dream is that Baby Massage becomes more recognised around the world and is built into a baby’s daily routine: a time to be cherished and looked forward to at the end of a busy day and a skill which will be passed down through the generations to come.
It’s exciting to know that through my online course, there are now babies in Chile, New Zealand, Australia and Ukraine seeing the benefits of being massaged and that makes me soooo happy! I guess my dream is that parents all over the world can easily learn the techniques.
I always tell parents at the end of the course that they now have their own in-built medicine box. Sticky eyes? Teething pain? Colic? Constipation? Wind? Congestion? Fretful? Tired?
They have the ability to help their baby through touch – it’s a bit like magic.
My online course can be found on my website with instant access to begin learning. It has been formatted in bite sized sections and is so easy to work through, all in a very relaxed way (and is £27 just now).
Happy Massaging, with my love, Hils xx
Visit the Best Beginning website to find out more about the wonderful services Hils provides. You can also join her supportive communities on Facebook and Instagram.