Creating Engaging & Empathetic Content for Purpose-Driven, Parent-Facing Brands

The drive: What challenges have you overcome?

Running a business is harder than I ever thought it would be. Having spent 15 years in employment, I was used to just coming in, doing my job and going home again, while getting paid each month. There’s so much more to running a business.  

I’ve never been very good at selling myself, but it’s a vital skill I’ve had to learn to become successful at what I do. I’ve learnt to believe in myself because if you believe in yourself, others will believe in you too.  

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?

Without a doubt, the best bit is being my own boss, not having to answer to anyone else, and flexing my work around my kids. I also love being in charge of my own destiny – it’s a great motivation.

The worst part is not getting paid for annual leave or sick days. When one of my daughters is poorly and I have a client deadline to meet, I often get a crisis of conscience. But family comes first for me, and thankfully my clients are understanding because they have kids themselves.

Hopes and dreams: What next?

I want to keep growing my business and help others to grow theirs. I love working with amazing mums in business and parenting brands, and hearing the success stories of how my content has helped increase their visibility and sales is an amazing feeling.  

Visit The Grammar Mamma website to find out more, and connect with her on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

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