Whether it’s the demands of work, family, day-to-day responsibilities or social life, Aimee Martin understands only too well that as women, our plates are often overflowing. Rest is something that is so often forgotten about or cast to the side because everything else always feels more important. With this in mind, she wanted to reshape her tea brand into something specifically focused on helping women carve out ‘guilt-free’ intentional moments of rest to escape the chaos of life. At P.S. Rest, they help you create restful moments to delight your senses and bring calm to your mind and body, through their premium, organic, loose-leaf tea and self-care products. Here, Aimee shares her business journey so far with the Natural Parent Magazine.
The passion: What inspired you to set up your business?
P.S. Rest was created out of an intense period in my life that quickly highlighted my need for good quality, nourishing rest.
Shortly after I took over a little tea business, my dad unexpectedly passed away. This was quickly followed by a certain pandemic landing on our shores and my little business exploding from 5 stockists to over 100, all whilst I was caring for 2 children under 3.
With all of this on my plate and my attempt to juggle it all – I became burnt out, as so many of us women do.
After all of that, along with some added pressures, I wanted to reshape my tea brand into something specifically focused on helping women carve out ‘guilt-free’ intentional moments of rest to escape the chaos of life.
Cue P.S. Rest.
The launch: How did you start out in the beginning?
I had been thinking of starting a business for a few years but I had never found an idea that I felt represented me. In 2019 a friend of mine was selling her tea business and I felt like it brought so many things together for me that I jumped at the opportunity.
Tea has always been an important part of my life. I have received countless cups and various tea gifts over the years. It was amazing to have finally found something that felt so right to me at the time.

The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?
There have been so many challenges and breakthroughs, but I think the biggest one would have to be renaming the business and reshaping it to be so much more than selling tea. Whilst I had taken over a beautiful little business that was perfect at the time, I was at a point where I felt like I was able to create something that felt more representative of me and addressed the challenges that so many women face.
Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?
The juggle between work and family has really been at the heart of P.S. Rest. As women, whether we are working inside or outside the home, the to-do list is never ending. Whether it’s the demands of work, responsibilities, children, or social life, as women our plates are often overflowing.
The needs of my family and my business are constantly changing so I often have to reassess how best to be across everything. Sometimes when I’m with my family I’m distracted by the work I need to do and sometimes when I’m working I feel guilty about not being with my family more.
But at the end of the day, I need to have grace for myself and do the best that I can.