The drive: What challenges have you overcome?
The biggest challenge I’ve overcome is believing in myself. Starting my business meant challenging my own beliefs about what’s possible, and having the courage to break away from the stereotypes and conventional paths. I had to trust that I could create something different and dare to dream big.
For a long time, I didn’t have the confidence or belief that I could run a successful business. I’ve found that many of my clients face the same challenge-doubting their abilities and fearing they won’t be able to make it work.
It’s so easy to stay in the “safe lane” because stepping outside that comfort zone is intimidating. There were countless moments when I thought about taking the easier route, about making a u-turn back to something more comfortable. But I’ve come to realise that that voice of fear is just trying to hold me back.
So, I chose to turn up the volume on the other voice-the one that encourages me to follow my dreams, to trust in my abilities, and to focus on what I can achieve. And so far, that’s been the best decision I’ve made!
If you’re hearing that little voice of fear, too, I encourage you to question taking the easy road. I encourage you to lean into the discomfort, trust yourself, and take the leap. The rewards are often so worth the risk.

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?
For me, the pros far outweigh the cons-but let’s be honest, the cons can be pretty hefty, sometimes even debilitating.
One of the biggest pros is the freedom and flexibility to create your business your way. I love the collaborative nature of my work. I’m at my best when bouncing ideas around, building on the expertise of others, and working through challenges with a team. That collaborative energy is motivating-it keeps me going and holds me accountable.
However, when I first started my business, I felt like I was completley on my own. I didn’t have that network or those collaborators to lean on. For a while, I lost my motivation and accountability. Suddenly, the hours felt long, and the work began to feel a bit hopeless. It’s easy to get lost in the weeds when you don’t have someone to bounce ideas off of or share the load.
Then, I found my people. A group of like-minded businesswomen, each on their own mission to change the world in their own unique way. They’ve become trusted colleagues and friends, helping me stay on track and reconnect with why I started my business in the first place. That tribe of powerful women has been, and will be, so crucial to my success.
So, if I had to pick a con, it would be that in the beginning, it can feel very isolating. You wear all the hats-MD, admin assistant, marketing director, product owner, everything.
But the pro to that? Once you step out of your comfort zone and ask for help, you quickly realise what you’re truly capable of. The sky really is the limit!

Hopes and dreams: What next?
For me, the “what’s next” is the launch of my group programs. I believe women win when we lift each other up, and that’s exactly the foundation of my upcoming group programme. It’s all about community, connection and creating a real sense of belonging.
Through this group programme, I’m excited to build a space where women can empower each other. It’s about connecting people who are facing similar challenges and emotions at the same time, so they can support and uplift one another. Finding my people was a pivotal moment in my journey, and now I want to help others find their tribe too.
When we come together as a group and invest in that connection, we become unstoppable. That’s when we start to shift cultures and create real change-together. I’m so excited about this upcoming launch because it’s not just a programme; it’s the beginning of a movement.
Of course, I won’t be saying goodbye to my 1:1 clients. They’ll continue to receive tailored, bespoke support. But I am thrilled to soon offer a solution and signature programme for everyone, no matter what their need or requirement may be.
If you’re ready to be part of a community that supports, empowers and lifts each other up, I invite you to join us. Whether you’re looking for tailored 1:1 guidance or to connect with like-minded women through my group programme, the next step is yours to take. Let’s create a movement together, where women can step into their full potential, support each other and redefine what success looks like-both at home and in their careers.
Join the collective. Find your tribe. And let’s make change happen. You’ve got this.
Visit to find out more, join her Facebook group ‘Not just a mama’, and connect with her on Instagram. You can also join her newsletter and complete her survey here.
Photography credit: Emma Ashdown photography.