Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?
I no longer have the same issues of juggling countless things and often look back in wonder at how I was able to keep all those balls in the air.
My family has grown and some have children of their own now. I am in the position in my family where I am squished in between my children and grandchildren as well as parents with partners and a grandmother; it’s a very busy yet lovely place to be.
I feel very glad to be able to have time now to be available to support my own wonderful daughters in their motherhood journeys. More than ever, I see the importance of mums being in tune with their own inner cycles, to know when to rest, to be still, to unwind and in turn restore their vitality.
The drive: What challenges have you overcome?
Dealing with such things as tax, ACC, import duties, web design etc …gave me nightmares in the beginning. I really wanted to forget the business and get on with the busy-ness, but eventually found a way through with a lot of outside help. It has been good to know there are others who love doing what I do not and that I could hand these things over to the experts.
For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?
I love the flexibility and autonomy I have in my life.
I’ve learned to say no sometimes even though I always want to say yes, to everyone and everything! I have had to learn to make sure I’m making time for my own self-care and to not keep going until I burn out. Not so different to every woman ever!
Hopes and dreams: What next?
I dream of gentle touch therapies being freely available in public health…imagine having a therapist as part of your birth team or for after birth care, being cared for during these wonderful, tumultuous, transitional times of your life where emotions are all over the place, and having your balance restored with ease and grace.
Visit the Marama Healing website to find out more about the wonderful work Danielle is doing, and follow her journey on Facebook.