The best grounding moments of my day happen to be in the shower both morning and night. I am uninterrupted (most days) and spend the first few moments going within and grounding. During the day, I use my allies to assist me with keeping connected. I have my grounding spray which triggers me instantly into going within and finding calmness. The scent is intense and instantly centres my being. It is my biggest meditation ally and I carry it around everywhere I go. I also rely on my mala beads. Wearing these is a gentle reminder throughout my day to take time out, breath and ground. My malas also connect with my energy, softly absorbing any density and aid in a deeper grounding experience.

Grounding is not difficult and is a technique everyone can practise without any meditation experience. It can take 5 minutes to practise and it can be lengthened if you have luxury of time. The more I practise grounding throughout my day, the calmer and more at ease I am with my children, especially in the moments of chaos. I am more present and in the moment with my family. The days I don’t meditate, I am always able to find moments in my day to ground.
As parents, we strive to be at our best for our family. Meditation is always going to be a strong foundation technique that brings us to our truest self. In reality however, there are going to be days where meditation isn’t going to happen and it is in these moments we need to rely on the alternatives. Using allies such as incense, mala beads and grounding spray are always going to help you practise the art of getting straight into presence without having to sit down for a full meditation session. Using your allies, along with a simple grounding technique, is going to give you the practical and gentle benefits of sinking into self without the lengthy ritual of meditation.
Last year, Kristen ended her corporate media career after 20 years in the field to answer the call from the Universe and lean into her spiritual gifts to be of service to others. Kristen has created Calma Places to assist people with adjusting and balancing out mind, body and energy systems with powerful meditation and energy healing sessions. Coming into Calma Places with an open mind and holding no expectation on the outcome can set you up for a beautifully profound experience all within yourself.
A consistent meditation practice and regular energy healing sessions can open you to experience a reduction in stress and anxiety, improvements in various health conditions, more energy and vitality, creativity and concentration. The motivation for energy healing and meditation is always to go within. To assist people with meditation, Calma Places also provide powerful yet gentle products that are used to strengthen your healings and meditation practice. These products are chosen specifically for their spiritual and intuitive offerings that will aid you on your journey of going within to reflect, heal, unwind and find your space of calmness. You can follow Calma Places on Instagram.