I See You Mama

Photography:Opal Imagery

By Sarah Noble

For some, motherhood comes with ease. 

Babies that sleep well (for a baby), no health issues, leaps, teething and growth spurts that are mild, easily adapting to different people and environments, and happy wherever they are – in the car, pram, etc.
For some, motherhood comes with struggle. 

Babies who do not sleep well, allergies and health issues, big emotions and reactions to teething, leaps and growth spurts; they don’t like anyone but Mum and possibly Dad and like to be at home, hate the car, pram, etc.

You are worthy and meant to be their mama. 

And then there are many who fall in the middle and go up and down. 
And then there are some who have a combination of things that go with ease and some with struggle. 
Dylan was in the middle, but slightly amplified since I was a first-time mum and was learning to adapt to my new normal. 
Alyssa is putting me in the struggle section simply for two reasons: hourly wake-ups for 6 months and counting, and allergies and eczema that we are still battling with – it’s stressful and pains me to see her so uncomfortable and itchy. 
Add in running a family business, a toddler, insomnia and general life stuff and I’m struggling. 
Insane sleep deprivation and health issues for my wee bubba are enough for ME to really struggle. 

And that’s OK. 

See next page for more…
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