When you have this new little baby to care for at home, without any hospital staff or family members to support you, it’s a mix of excitement and fear of not knowing what to do, or doing it wrong in some way. It takes courage to give it a go, and to learn the best way to feed your baby or how to hold him when you give him a bath. The more you do it, your confidence grows.
Our Dunstan Baby classes are all about CONFIDENCE – through education and practice.
In our classes for parent, we teach the needed sounds and we support you in the practice.
In our course for professionals, we teach the knowledge and support you while you implement it with the families you work with.
In our parent support work, we provide knowledge and we support you in the parenting of your child/ren.
So, (in terms of parenting now) what is it:
You need?
You want? and
You fear?
We love helping people to grow their parenting confidence.

Remember as you grow in confidence, you are also modelling that to your children – and that’s a good thing for us to show them.
I heard a great phrase the other day…. “Courage precedes confidence”.
Visit the Dunstan Baby Australia website to find out more and connect with them on Facebook and Instagram.