You may also feel that your care providers did their best under the given circumstances but still be holding onto many strong emotions that are difficult to understand and process. You may be wondering why you are experiencing feelings of being lost, of wondering who you are, of sadness, worthlessness, or hopelessness. It may be that you are just not feeling like yourself, and when you reflect on your birth, you have a sense of sadness or loss. If this is the case, it is time to seek further support. It is important to see a professional who specialises in birth – rather than a general counsellor, psychologist, or health professional.
Practitioners who specialise in birth have the understanding and experience you need to bring about positive change.
Birth Story Listening is the creation of Pam England of Birthing from Within. This is a specific process to facilitate your birth healing journey. Qualified Birthing from Within Mentors often have other skills to support your journey such as Birth Art Mentoring and Birth Education. This can be especially helpful if you are preparing for another baby. Birth Story Listening generally starts with one session. If more sessions are recommended or desired, this can be discussed and accommodated as needed.
Personally, I find that one of the most important keys to the facilitation of healing is the connection between the two people working together. It is important to be a good match for each other for the sessions to be effective. If you feel comfortable and at ease, this is a great start. As a Birth Story Listener and Birth Art Mentor, the important first step to working with me is to have a good 15-20 minute, heart-to-heart, phone conversation, so we can begin to understand where you are on your journey, and the steps we could take to move forward together.

What about the women who have had their personal best experience of birth? How can they harness the power and integrate the lessons and growth deeply into their being, when they also can find it difficult to share their story? Birth Story Listening is a blessing for the full range of birth experiences – deep listening is a skill and a gift to anyone who has the benefit of experiencing it. This is the art of Birth Story Listening – you are held, you are heard, healing and growth are natural results of the process – no one is “doing” the “healing” it simply evolves of itself, that is where its true power lies. I invite you to call me – let’s talk about your birth story. Love, Blessings & Appreciation.
Helpful Contacts:
Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia
Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Aotearoa
Daniella Ruru is a Certified Life Coach, Natural Intuitive and Newborn Mothers trained Postpartum Doula. Her greatest passion and the present focus of her work is as a Birth Story Listener and Birth Art Mentor, trained with Birthing from Within. Birth Art Circles are her own creation. Daniella’s offerings are available online via Zoom, with Birth Art Circles offered by arrangement and/or throughout the year in person and online. Visit her website to find out more, and follow her journey on Instagram. You can also send her an email or call her on +61438916561.