The drive: What challenges have you overcome?
We had been developing our Universal Body Oil for over a year, starting before I became pregnant, and we re-launched a month before I gave birth! I kind of don’t recommend doing that haha but at the same time, I’m glad we re-launched before Olivia was born and I could focus on her. Delivery was rough and recovery was slow so to have that special time was sacred.
I also work for another company so between a job, my own business, a family, needy Cavoodle and a household to run, I’m constantly busy and my brain is always spinning – it’s hard to try to take time for myself and I unnecessarily feel guilty every time I do – I’m sure mamas everywhere know what I mean! So, consciously switching off is something that’s really important to do and it truly helps me to keep pushing forward to meet my goals.

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?
The pros absolutely outweigh the cons but it’s not for the faint of heart. You’re always on! Emails, website maintenance, social media, creating content, financials, stock, building genuine relationships – it’s all a lot of work. The pros – you make your own rules, set your own hours, you can create something that’s so uniquely yours, something you can be so proud of – and I have.

Hopes and dreams: What next?
We don’t want to give too much away but we have big dreams of developing a gorgeous range of products that will always be pregnancy and breastfeeding safe, vegan, fragrance free and Australian made.
Head over to the Aki Sunday website to find out more, and check them out on Facebook and Instagram.