The drive: What challenges have you overcome?
The logistics of planning these types of retreats are immense and can be quite complicated! We welcome children of all ages up to around 7 years and cater for all dietary requests. Finding an itinerary that suits both big and little people’s schedules, with mealtimes, bedtimes, nap times and down time all accounted for can be a bit of a challenge! But we have come to a format that seems to work really well and the key is flexibility. Being a mum of young kids myself, I am still very much in the world that most of my guests are in, so I truly understand the demands and needs of both mum and child. I try to anticipate exactly what might be required and most of all, I endeavour to make each guest feel completely pampered. Often they feed back that one of the most refreshing elements of being on retreat was simply to eat delicious, nourishing food without the need to think up the menu or clear away the plates!

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?
Sometimes I do wonder if life might be easier with a traditional 9-5 and a reliable salary – but honestly, I just don’t think that’s for me. The most fulfilling part of running a business is having a vision that you truly believe in, and then alchemising that into a reality. It really makes all the hard work seem worthwhile when you are able to pull something off that just began as a little seed of an idea. Some of the feedback I have received after a retreat experience has just made my heart sing. One mother told me that “this was the stuff that core memories are made of”, and that’s exactly what my intention was from the beginning – to hold space for opportunities to connect to the things of real value in our life.

Hopes and dreams: What next?
I am looking for a regular retreat space that I can keep returning to, but in the meantime am exploring some incredible venues in Italy, France, Ibiza and the UK. Our team is growing and the next stage would be to host retreats more regularly. In the meantime, keep an eye on our Instagram and website for the next dates to be released so you can be added to our waitlist!
Visit the Theta Retreats website to find out more, and connect with them on Instagram.