Managing Mastitis: Understanding Inflammatory Mastitis vs. Infectious Mastitis

  • Rest and Self-Care

Rest is essential for your body’s healing process. Take the time to relax and prioritise self-care. Avoid overexertion and get plenty of sleep to support your immune system and overall wellbeing.

  • Stay hydrated

Maintain hydration with at least 3L water per day to help reduce inflammation and support immune function. Breast milk is rich in water so ensure you stay hydrated throughout your breastfeeding journey. 

  • Seek Professional Guidance

While the above strategies can be effective for managing mastitis, it’s crucial to seek professional guidance when needed. If your symptoms worsen or persist despite trying these natural approaches, consult a lactation consultant or healthcare provider for further evaluation and guidance. To help prevent mastitis recurrence, book an appointment with one of our naturopaths at Hormone Health Studio to support the health of the breast milk microbiome. 

The Importance of Breast Milk Microbiome and Avoiding Antibiotic Use 

Breast milk plays a crucial role in establishing and maintaining a healthy microbiome for your baby. The breast milk microbiome contains beneficial bacteria that support your baby’s immune system and overall health. Overuse of antibiotics can disrupt this delicate balance, potentially leading to long-term consequences.

While antibiotics are necessary in some cases of infectious mastitis, it is important to explore natural management options first and reserve antibiotics for severe or unresponsive cases. By implementing natural strategies, you can often alleviate mastitis symptoms and promote healing without the need for antibiotics.

Mastitis can be a challenging condition for breastfeeding mothers, but with proper understanding and natural strategies, it can be effectively addressed. By differentiating between inflammatory mastitis and infectious mastitis, you can tailor your approach accordingly. Prioritising frequent and complete breast emptying, maintaining proper nipple care, and utilising natural remedies like heat, cabbage leaves, and raw potato poultices can aid in relieving inflammation and promoting healing. 

Remember to consult with one of our expert naturopaths at Hormone Health Studio for personalised guidance, and whenever possible, preserve the beneficial breast milk microbiome by avoiding unnecessary antibiotic use. With patience, self-care, and the right strategies, you can effectively manage mastitis and continue to provide the best for both yourself and your baby.

Georgia Hartmann is a Naturopath, Mum of two and Founder of Hormone Health Studio. Find out more about what they do on their website or contact Georgia at You can also follow them on Instagram at @hormonehealthstudio.

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