Science has proven that singing triggers feel-good brain chemicals, strengthens the immune system, relieves stress and helps learning, language, memory and focus. At Sing To Thrive they provide high-quality conscious music and healing activations for all ages to use your voice as an instrument for personal transformation and conscious manifestation to joyfully live your best life. They are a mother-daughter team with 25+ years of healing and 50+ years of singing experience. Founder Julia Williamson’s biggest dream is to see singing make a comeback in the home to help the next generation conquer self-consciousness and fear of rejection. Here she talks to the Natural Parent Magazine about the inspiration behind Sing To Thrive, the challenges they have overcome, and their hopes and dreams for the future.
The passion: What inspired you to set up your business?
I was born into a lot of singing and found it natural and easy to do; however, I had terrible performance anxiety and a massive fear of rejection and not feeling good enough. So, as a kid, I shut down and didn’t use my voice, to my detriment, which stayed with me well into my adult years. In my mid-twenties, I dabbled in bands, but insecurities, voice problems and the fact that I was starting a family led me down the path of healing. I needed something to change because I was inwardly unhappy and my health was suffering. Then, I discovered Maggie Landman and her process of Past Age Clearing and Healing (PACH). It had such a profound effect on me, I became a Past Age Clearing and Healing Practitioner in 2003. The professional singing gigs became easy and fun, and in 2006, I founded the Singing and Healing School to create space for people to heal their voice and sing just for the fun of it. Our voice is intrinsically linked to every aspect of our lives, and when you heal your voice, you become fully expressed, authentic and empowered, transforming your life and the lives of your family and people who come in contact with you.

The launch: How did you start out in the beginning?
I began teaching kids’ singing groups in 2006, and by 2007 I was running weekly classes for kids, teenagers and adults. Back then, it surprised me how many people wanted to sing. But having helped thousands heal their channel of expression, I saw a deep inner yearning in people to find their voice because we innately know how important it is. Plus, singing is always so much fun. You get happy instantly.
The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?
I began merging positive life-affirming lyrics into songs, and a unique journey evolved with astounding effects on my clients with depression, anxiety, addiction, ADHD, PTSD, stage fright, performance anxiety, self-consciousness, a strong inner critic, etc. I fully understood the power of singing when I began studying neuroplasticity and how singing triggers feel-good brain chemicals that consolidate brain map changes. This is why singing a positive affirmation is far more effective than speaking one. I also had great success with kids who were being bullied. The singing cleared the throat chakra and empowered them to use their voice to speak up, which supercharges their self-belief. Because when we can’t speak up, we end up not liking or trusting ourselves, which is a tragedy. Believe me; I have been there. But, the fact is, when we clear core beliefs that cause limited thinking and replace them with a positive mindset, we expand our consciousness and live up to our potential. Can you see the importance of getting your kids to sing early and be comfortable with it? Singing truly is profound.

Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?
I set up a beautiful singing and healing space for private sessions in the garage and plastered the walls with the kids’ Steiner artwork. I taught bigger workshops during school hours so being at home for the kids before and after school made my work-family life easy and fun. There was always singing around the house; it was just a natural part of their childhood, and both Maddy and Joel have extraordinary voices thanks to having the freedom to sing whenever and whatever. Due to singing, they were great communicators, in touch with their feelings and developed excellent self-awareness that kept everyone honest and maintained a happy work-family balance so everyone was happy. Now with the kids living in different parts of the world, I make sure I get time with friends, time in nature, daily exercise, meditation, chanting and vocal toning to help balance out computer time, running workshops and facilitating private sessions.