Must-Have Apps for Nature Lovers [Infographic]

There is an abundance of natural beauty in the world around us. From flowers and wildlife to plants and walking trails, there’s an incredible planet outside our window. For those of us who enjoy all that nature has to offer, we often like to broaden our knowledge by discovering as much about our favourite flora and fauna as possible.

This infographic from Jarrimber identifies several fantastic apps for nature enthusiasts, including nearby trail finders, bird identifiers, astronomy and leaf identifiers. How many times have we seen a fascinating creature while out and about, only to wish we could find out all about it there and then? In such scenarios, isn’t it reassuring to know that you can simply open an app and discover everything worth knowing about that creature you encountered?

If going for nature walks is a pastime and you feel as if you’ve covered all the routes in your vicinity, perhaps there’s one or two you’ve missed, or maybe you’d like to enlighten other walkers by adding photos and reviews of your favorite trails. There are apps through which you can do just that, enriching the experience for fellow trail lovers while probably adding to your experience too.

Check out the infographic below for some of the best nature apps that you’ll find on the App Store or Play Store.

If you have any other favourites you can recommend, please share in the comments below!

An infographic by the team at Jarrimber

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