Simple Gardening Tasks To Do With Your Children

Harvesting fruits and vegetables 

Planting fruits and vegetables allows you to have access to fresh produce, and it lets your children know where their food comes from. To help instil healthy eating habits in children, let them participate whenever you’re planting or harvesting fruits and vegetables. Give them a basket, and teach them to identify fruits and vegetables that are ripe for the picking.

Let them handle produce that can be easily harvested, such as tomatoes and peppers.

Meanwhile, you and other adults in the family can take care of harvesting root crops such as potatoes and carrots, which you’ll have to dig out of the ground, as well as greens such as collards and kale, since you’ll need to cut the outer leaves off these plants. Make sure to harvest produce when the soil and plants are dry to avoid spreading plant diseases, and remind the kids to avoid stepping on vines or trampling on plants while harvesting, as doing so creates openings, through which diseases can enter and potentially damage your crops.   

Gardening is a healthy pastime that’s fit for the whole family. Teach your children these simple gardening tasks so they can participate in this healthful hobby while forming stronger bonds with you and other family members. 

Kylee Harris is an educator who has taught in elementary schools in Singapore and Hong Kong for 5 years. She lives in Florida and continues to teach life skills to young adults in her community. 

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