The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?
The biggest breakthrough for me was believing in myself that I could do this alone. It’s tough to put yourself out there without feeling some self-doubt, but taking a deep breath and believing you can is so important. My husband has been instrumental behind the scenes, reminding me I can do it and helping me with the technical aspects.
Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?
Work/life balance is something I have had to learn a lot about over the last 12 months. I am the kind of person who works from the second I wake until I go to bed. I love it, but I have to take a step back and live in the moment more. I try not to work through the day when I have my girls and I try not to be distracted by emails, calls and messages. I aim to do all my work when my girls have gone to bed or when my husband is home to parent them. Balancing quality time with my husband is a bit trickier – we try to steal moments.

The drive: What challenges have you overcome?
The online fitness world has exploded since Covid 19. It is challenging to stand out, especially against bigger corporate companies. I hope that being transparent, genuine, building a rapport and just caring for the entire mothers’ community will help me to stand out. I am also trained specifically in pre- & post-natal yoga. This is so important for women when your body is going through such major changes. There is a lot out there, marketed to pre- and post-natal where the trainers may not have undertaken additional specific training.
For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?
Pros are being able to set your own hours and work around your children. I love that I don’t miss out on my girls.
It’s also nice to be able to run my business how I want to: to build a rapport and have personal relationships with the women.
Cons are feeling like I always need to be available, always feeling like the work never stops and having all the responsibility of it being a success.

Hopes and dreams: What next?
My entire aim for my business is to help build an online mummy community, to help women throughout their journey from pre-conception to post-natal. I want women to know that it’s ok to not always have it together. Motherhood is a rollercoaster; there are so many highs but there are also lows. I want women to feel nurtured, to feel peace and to know they aren’t alone.
Visit the Topknot Yoga website to find out more and to check out their yoga courses. You can also join the supportive Topknot Yoga communities on Facebook and Instagram.