- Flexibility
You won’t need to stress about getting to daycare on time as your au pair will be right there at home with you. The flexibility of having an au pair is great for FIFO families or families with irregular schedules. You can also benefit from dinner and movie dates, without the hassle of finding a babysitter, as your au pair will be more than happy to help. It will also give you peace of mind to know you are leaving your child with somebody they know and trust, and who is familiar with their routines.
- Reduced sick days
You won’t need to worry about taking too many sick days from work if your child is unwell (unless you want to stay with them – sometimes mum or dad are all a child wants when they are sick). This is especially useful for minor bugs like coughs and colds, where a child is generally well, but not well enough for daycare. They can stay home in the loving care of their au pair. Bugs are also greatly reduced by being in a smaller care environment.
- Au Pair Link playgroups, outings and activities
Au Pair Link organises regular playgroups, outings and activities so your children will be well-socialised. These are also great opportunities for your au pair to meet and socialise with other local au pairs.
- Au pairs attend a 3-day orientation course
On arrival in the country, all Au Pair Link au pairs head off on a 3-day orientation course. Here they learn child first aid (through St John), have theoretical driving lessons and learn how to cope with culture shock. They also learn childhood education and behaviour management strategies, so when they arrive with you, they’re trained and ready to go.
- ECE discount, WINZ & OSCAR subsidies
As an Au Pair Link family, you will have access to certain subsidies, including 20 hours ECE discount and WINZ and OSCAR subsidies. Click here for more details.
- Affordable
The cost of hosting an au pair is not as much as you might think. Many host families find that it’s a more cost-effective form of childcare than the pay-per-child-per-hour model, especially those with more than one child, as you do not pay per child with an au pair.
- Exposure to a different culture
Having an au pair from overseas will introduce your child to a new culture. Au pairs bring their language and customs with them and your child may even pick up some words or phrases in their new language. An au pair might also share recipes, songs and traditions with your family. It’s a great way to learn about other cultures.
Inviting an au pair into your home can really enrich family life, as well as providing excellent childcare assistance. If you think an au pair might be the best fit for your family, find out more at Au Pair Link.