UNBUSYING and Schedules vs. Routines – What’s the Difference?

You can’t expect to say “yes” to a thousand things and also be able to pay attention to your family’s rhythms and flow. It just won’t happen.

The first thing you need to do is get clear on your priorities – what are the things that are most important to you and your family to be truly happy and healthy? Write these things down – you really shouldn’t have more than 3-5 of them. Now look at your schedule again. How many of the things you have on your schedule are reflecting your family’s priorities? How many can you get rid of?

The average family has far too many things they are saying “yes” to that hinders them from truly connecting and following their natural rhythm as a family. Don’t let this happen to you! Get clear on your priorities and cut out anything that doesn’t align. Clear your schedule so you can focus on your routine and rhythm!

#3 Flexibility and Patience – If you’re deep in the mire of overwhelm and frustration with everything going on in your life right now, you need to understand that it may take some time and adjustment to sort things out. Getting unbusy and focusing on balancing your schedule and routine will help tremendously, but there will be some trial and error and commitment to the process. Be flexible and patient with yourself and your kids/family as you adjust to this new normal.

You may even find that as you cut out commitments, your family doesn’t quite know HOW to just “be” with each other. Find time to connect and love and enjoy spending your newly calm times together. <3

#4 Planning – Keeping everything organized in one place is super important for consistency in scheduling and keeping your routine! If you have a planner that you love, fantastic! If you don’t, check out the planner that I created and use myself!

Good luck!

If you’re feeling like you need more help with sorting out your family’s schedules, routines, and general busyness, reach out to me for private coaching help. I’m here to walk you through this overwhelm and clutter and see you through to the other side where things are calm, patient, and easy! See the options for this here. I can’t wait to talk with you!

Leah McDermott, M.Ed. is an Educator turned Mother of two and advocate for the encouragement and development of natural, child-led learning. Since 2009, she has helped families and educators provide their children with meaningful learning experiences through her one-of-a-kind curriculum and community, Your Natural Learner. When she’s not teaching and sharing in her Your Natural Learner Facebook Group, she can be found enjoying the great outdoors with her family in the gorgeous Pacific Northwest. Follow along with her on Facebook and Instagram.

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